Nun ist es offiziell. Apple liefert am kommenden Freitag in 17 weitere Länder das neue iPhone 4 aus, darunter auch Österreich und die Schweiz. Anfangs hieß es noch am 28. Juli soll die Auslieferung beginnen, jedoch wurde der Release, wegen der hohen Nachfrage, um 2 Tage nach hinten verschoben.
Apple’s iPhone® 4 will be available in 17 more countries this Friday, July 30. iPhone 4 features FaceTime®, which makes video calling as easy as one tap, Apple’s new Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, resulting in stunning text, images and video, and a beautiful all-new design of glass and stainless steel that is the thinnest smartphone in the world.
Beginning this Friday, customers can purchase iPhone 4 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. iPhone 4 will be available for purchase through Apple’s retail and online stores and Apple® Authorized Resellers.
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